Latest Issue of the MindBrainEd Think Tank + (ISSN 2434-1002) 1 MindBrained Bulletin Think Tank Sleep Jan 2018 | Page 2

MindBrained Think Tank Sleep Part 1 This month’s source (it helps if you listen to it first): Part 1: Why We Sleep – Matthew Walker video Part 2: How Sleep Deprivation Dulls Our Minds and Unleashes Our Biases YANNS Podcast minds-and-unleashes-our-biases/ Sleep is an important issue for any teacher. It shapes our students’ learning, level of activity and even health. It is critical we know as much about it as we can. If we can somehow help a student get even just an hour more of sleep every night, it will almost certainly be more important than anything else they learn in our class, maybe even all their classes combined! Listen or read one of these online sources and then read some of the fascinating things our Think Tank panelists have to add! Part 1 Panelists: Josh Brunotte Haruka Matsunaga Part 2 (February) Panelists: Deborah Broadby Cover photo: by Ali Farid, Amanda Gillis- Furutaka Curtis Kelly Lawrence Levy