Late news (after latest printed FQ) Late News, as of: 10 Jan 2014

v Folklife Members' Online-only Updates (= after current issue of FQ) p1 v LATE NEWS Folklife Members' Updates Online-only, after current issue of Folklife Quarterly FOLKLIFE are PRINT PUBLISHERS of the FOLKLIFE QUARTERLY. Our priority is to publish FQ, but as a service, we also copy FQ online. We also offer a limited service, for our Members’ Updates We are amateurs with limited time; our priority is always printing FQ, which we need to prepare, distribute, & invoice. From 2014, therefore, we will not include the month before publication. ❍ Publication dates are always Jan 1, Apr 1, Jul 1, Oct 1: ❍ so we will not update in March, June, Sept., and Dec. Here is a list of several Folklife Members who also have listings / blogs to check: Cymru FOLKWALES online magazine Mick Tems, Editor 01443 206689 Key for English regions: EM =East Midlands, SE =South-East, SW =South-West (West Country), WM =West Midlands EM Leics, + LEICESTER FOLK DIARY Alice Little 07838 251368 SE+SW SOUTHERN COUNTIES FOLK FEDERATION Trevor Gilson …… SW Devon DEVON FOLK Colin Andrews 01363 877216 SW Som+Dor SOMERSET & DORSET FOLK DIARY Steve Cunio ……………… SW + WM MR RED’s MID WEST listings Cresby Brown ……………… WM Wa,Cov+ FOLKFAX Malc Gurnham 024 7634 5568 WM Herefds BROMYARD MUSIC SESSIONS Tony Burt 07789 385104 WM Herefds TALES FROM UNDER BLACK HILL BLOG John & Jane Baxter …… http://blackhilltales.blogspot WM Worcs WORCESTER TRADITIONAL MUSIC PAGE Mike Walton 01905 357482 WM S Worcs+ JT's WHAT'S ON EMAIL, twice-monthly, as the last item on this webpage SENDING IN YOUR LATE NEWS for this webpage info. from Members only (do join us: only £14 a year), simply email [email protected] with Subject: "Members' Late News" + title (eg: "Members' Late News - Somers Club moving venue") • club guests • changes of dates • your gigs • workshops for 'Workshops Diary' • anything else! PLEASE EMAIL as TEXT ONLY - no attachments, flyers, pictures, etc, thanks. 1. Members’ DIRECTORY UPDATES 2. Members’ OTHER LATE NEWS The last FQ print publication date: 1 Jan 2014 Next: 1 Apr 2014, deadline 20 Feb 2014 This last updated: 10 Jan 2013