LatAm1806v6_latam 19/06/2016 11:50 Page 9
Pay-TV, broadband boost Brazil telco market
he higher adoption of pay-TV
and broadband services,
provision of multiple-play
bundles and value-added services
(VAS), and investments to expand
fibre-optic networks and
mobile broadband networks
have given a huge boost to the
Brazilian telecommunications
market. The wider range of
innovative technologies,
reduced network deployment
costs and prices of entry
products will especially aid
the deeper penetration of
telecommunications products
in the lower income segments
and underserved cities,
according to consultancy firm
Frost & Sullivan.
There is a fresh market for
novel business models such as OTT
video services, business and home
applications of broadband services, and
machine to
machine (M2M)
and payment
applications in
networks. In
effect, operators
are offering a
combination of
services for the untapped segments, and
premium solutions for increasing the average
revenue per user.
“The deployment of 3G, Long-Term
Evolution and fibre-optics networks make
available higher bandwidth and throughput,
and open up markets for additional
applications and services in the consumer
and business segments,” said Frost &
Sullivan digital transformation
industry analyst Carina Gonçalves.
“Besides, with the rise of small cable
TV associations and Internet service
providers, untapped markets such as
pay-TV and broadband could also
witness heated competition.”
On the flip side, the intense
competition could diminish margins,
as can the revised tariff regulations
on the prices of traditional
telecommunications services such as voice
“Untapped markets
such as pay-TV and
broadband could
also witness heated
tyoHBO Now eyes
Brazil, Argentina
HBO plans to expand its
online streaming service,
HBO Now, to Argentina and
Brazil this year, extending a
global push to reach new
viewers who pay for
broadband but not TV.
Brazil is already HBO’s
biggest Latin American
market, HBO CEO Richard
Plepler said. “You’re just
adding to the opportunity for
the consumer to have a way
to get HBO,” he commented.
“When we looked at Brazil we
saw a huge opportunity there,
a huge opportunity with our
18 LATAM Briefing
current partners there. Same
in Argentina.”
HBO Now is currently
available in nine countries
worldwide, including the US,
Mexico, and throughout
Scandinavia. Netflix, by
contrast, is now available in
over 190 countries, and every
major market except China.
Rovi, Revista
Eletrônica enhance
Personalised content
discovery specialist Rovi
has formed a strategic
alliance with leading
Brazilian metadata provider,
Revista Eletrônica, to offer
an advanced metadata
and basic connectivity. Furthermore, the
high taxes on telecom services and spectrum,
and costs limitations on broadband services
can constrict the profits of operators.
The Government and the national
telecommunications regulator,
Anatel, play important roles in
implementing and revising the
National Broadband Plan and
improving regulation policies as
well as aggregating operators’
interactions and contributions. In
order to stimulate broadband and
connectivity services growth, the
regulator must encourage
infrastructure sharing, since there
is not enough space for new
transmission structures, especially
in the metropolitan areas. In the
current scenario,
telecommunications operators are
investing heavily in the
deployment of their own networks, which
limits their ability to slash prices as their
investment plans restrict profitability.
“All fixe