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Guests at We Care gather for a healing crystal bowl sound circle .
renowned interior designer Debbie Fogel of Fogel Interiors in Los Angeles on the redesign of the public areas and guestrooms and suites which can now accommodate up to 40 people and sourced Buddhist and Hindu sculptures , large crystals and other artistic elements from around the world which now grace the grounds of the property .
My spacious executive suite , one of 28 accommodations across the property , has breezy interiors that open to the vibrant mountains and is equipped with weights , a balance ball , an oversized soaking tub with bath salts and body brushes , shower , air purifier , circadian light system , yoga mat , bed you can nest in , Rabbit Air purification system , rebounder trampoline outside on my furnished patio to enjoy the desert sunset , diffuser with essential oils and a refrigerator with detox drinks and teas if I don ’ t want to leave my room . I do and I don ’ t . I want to stay here and meditate , journal , breathe . And I want to walk amongst the perfumy orange groves and trees whose boughs are wrapped in colorful prayer shawls , emerge in tucked away hot tubs and find out who all these interesting people are who are making an investment in their well-being . can get one of these at home . I drift off to sleep , lucid dreaming , imagining my porcupine quills clinking into a metal bowl , one by one , until I am whole again .
When it ’ s time to leave , I am given a delicious salad and instructions on how to reenter the real world and it ’ s going to involve a LOT of change . Following the fast , the staff at We Care recommend a healthy , mostly plant-based diet , free of toxins to help continual rebalance of the body . Belen advocates — and her book , “ Detox & Revitalize ,” lays it all out in detail — starting each morning with a vegetable-based smoothie , and then enjoying salads , an array of vegetables , gluten-free grains such as quinoa , brown rice and millet , legumes such as lentils , garbanzo and black beans , a range of herbs such as cilantro , oregano , and rosemary , as well as small amounts of fruit , nuts , seeds , and beneficial oils such as olive and unrefined coconut . She suggests avoiding microwaved , processed and GMO foods , preservatives , food additives , toxic oils , alcohol , processed sugar and coffee . Matcha , here I come .
On my drive out the dirt road , I think about what the spirit guides have asked me in my channeled journey with AJA . “ Where are you pretending certain things you are doing really matter or are just filling up space ? Where are you not living ? Once you decide to keep these promises , everything will be lighter , brighter , better .” If I can make this commitment to myself , they see transparent wings coming out of my back . In this moment , I see them too . ( wecarespa . com )
LEARNING TO BE UNBUSY But there is still so much to do . Starting on day two , all the liquid nourishment and colonics feel like they ’ ve flushed out years of physical and mental gunk and I just want to walk the grounds . Those acres of gardens and land beckon me to wander throughout the property , stopping to nap on the womblike floating bed , a one-point pendulum lounger that aids blood flow to the brain . I lay back and rock to the singing birds , the fast-moving clouds opening up to the blue desert skies and wonder how I
The welcoming entry to We Care Spa