Lasting longer in bed Lasting longer in bed | Page 3

I Know Your Pain …
I know because I was literally you just three short years ago . I desired lasting longer in bed . I couldn ’ t get a girlfriend , actually let me re-phrase that …
I Couldn ’ t Hang On To A Girlfriend !
And that was even when I would approach women on the rare occasion I had some drinks in me and had the courage to talk to them .
There was a point in time where I found medications that would work for a while whether it be Dapoxetine , Tramadol , sometimes Viagra mixed with Dapoxetine .
After A While They Stopped Working
or I had to take a real lot of it for it to work because my body was getting immune to the medication .
I used to have to plan sex to take the medication enough time beforehand .
I needed to make sure I pleasured a woman orally first just so she wasn ’ t completely unsatisfied .
It wasn ’ t just my sex life it was affecting ,
It Was All Other Aspects Of Life Whether I Realized It Or Not
Lasting Longer In Bed- Elliot Foreman . All Rights Reserved 3