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Interview Murat KÜÇÜKALĠ Zile District Director of Education Students:What is the behavior that people first be transferred to all users quickly through the in- need to change in themselves in order to terminate ternet. the online radicalization? Students:Does online radicalization affect humanity only via online platforms? Murat KÜÇÜKALİ:It would be a very easy view to expect people to change their behavior in order Murat KÜÇÜKALİ:Of course not.In fact for online radicalization to end .The political social it should be dwelt on the concept of being and economic problems that lead people to radicalization conveyed on onlive platforms rather desperation need to be solved in order to prevent than the concept of radicalization.Nowadays the online radicalization.It is very important to give problem is that the internet and especially the social and religious education in a correct and social media have the possibility to access by all healthy way since childhood period.Especially it the internet users without knowing the time and will not be the right approach to expect behavioral place and that the radical people can easily reach change from those who have reached a certain age the audience they want to reach by using internet and have not found solutions to social injustice, as a propaganda tool and they can easlily find ignorance, unemployment, poverty, etc. The supporters. solution of the problem will only be possible with the understanding of the sociological reasons for We can summarize this by the fact that the radical the problem and finding solutions for them. people who have common sociological problems can easily access each other through the internet Students:Do you think the online radicalization and become more radical by keeping in touch with will be have an effect on people's problems? each other long period of time. Murat KÜÇÜKALİ:Definetely.The Online radicalization will lead to the increase of the number of radicalized people and the growth and deepening of the problems that radicalization creates on humanity because the propaganda can 9 Interviewers Aybüke Y.İ. Busenur K. Özlem B.Y. Zile Fen Lisesi