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An Essay COMMON GROUND Sinem Düzgün Mathematics Teacher Zile Fen Lisesi- Turkey The fields such as science, art, culture, history, technology are effective elements in the formation, regulation and even formation of societies.These areas, such as culture and history, represent elements that are specific to a society while they are voluntarily or involuntarily shaped by the society.These elements are the heritage that must be protected and transfered to future by every society.When tranfering When transferring, it must be based on every individual, first of all should be well behaved and conscientious and a good per- son so that we can have a safe future. Disciplines such as science, technology, mathematics, etc. are connectedly devel- oped fields that are in the service of all so- cieties without taking into account which socieryt it was developed by. 27 The most beautiful feature of these disciplines is that they cannot considered as the legacy of a single society.Instead, they are presented to the ser- vice of all peoples around the world and this can be percieved as the unifying feauture of the science. However, particularly at the stage of determining the new practices in the field of science and tech- nology,a society should educate individuals who are well behaved and conscientious,adopt univer- sal values and endeavour for the well being of all peoples.