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RADICALISM AS A GLOBAL THREAT In order for this issue to be properly addressed, one should first consider the term of ‗radicalism‘ itself. In political science, the term radicalism is the belief that society needs to be changed, and that these changes are only possible through revolutionary means. ―Most people think of left- wing politics when they use the noun radicalism, although people on both ends of the spectrum can be described as radical. The word radicalism comes from the Latin radicalis, "of or having roots," which in turn arose from radix, or "root." Both radical and radicalism came out of the idea that political change must "come from the root," or the very basic source of society.‖ ( radicalism) Being labeled a 'radical' is meant to be an in- sult. History tells us otherwise Andy Fitzgerald The word radical often has negative connotations, but their actions can be necessary to bring about true social change Consequently, although ‗radical‘ is one word, it has two different meanings. On the one hand it means something essential, profound, fundamen- tal, basic and vital and on the other hand it refers to deviating by extremes as in extremist, fanati- cal, far-out, violent, anarchistic, excessive and lawless. 12 Nancy Gkiotli- 1o ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΕΛΕΥΘΕΡΙΟΥ- ΚΟΡΔΕΛΙΟΥ GREECE Therefore,theterms 'radicalism'and extremism' are related (in common parlance). However, the latter term has an almost exclusively negative connota- tion, whereas this does not always have to be the case with the former .