The Period Project , an initiative of the Policy Project , brings together community organizations , government agencies , and private businesses to provide menstrual products to those in need . Through this program , the Utah Policy Project is working to ensure that all women and girls have access to the menstrual products they need , regardless of their economic circumstances . The initiative is promoting equity and reducing the impact of period poverty in the state .
HB 162 Period Products in Schools was passed by the Utah Legislature to provide free period products in every girls and all-gender bathroom in every Utah K-12 public and charter school . The Miller Family Foundation donated $ 1 million to purchase and install the dispensers .
86 % of menstruators report being ‘ caught ’ in public without a period product
84 % of students
have missed class due to a lack of access to period products or know someone who has
8,000 +
bathrooms in schools with free period products across the state
337,000 students impacted during the 2022-2023 school year
1,058 schools in Utah providing period products to keep girls in class