At the launch of Driven to Assist : Utah for Ukraine , on Thursday , March 3 , 2022 , philanthropic leaders had already donated $ 2 million and encouraged the community to match the donation . Members of the community added over $ 2 million , reaching the goal of $ 4 million . Over 3,600 donations were contributed to the Utah for Ukraine Fund managed by the Community Foundation of Utah . Ninety percent of those donations were $ 100 or less .
Utah ’ s First Lady Abby Cox ’ s initiative , Show Up , organized efforts of more than 500 volunteers to sort and prepare donations for distribution and collected more than 25,000 cards from Utah children to offer support , hope and love to refugee children . The Other Side Academy donated time to sort and count the donations to prepare them for shipment .
The Larry H . Miller Company and the Larry H . & Gail Miller Family Foundation delivered four shipping containers filled with donated supplies to Constanta , Romania , between November 2022 and January 2023 . The Miller organization ’ s Driven to Assist community fundraiser and donation drive raised $ 4 million and collected 250 pallets of donated goods to benefit refugees fleeing Ukraine .
“ The people of Utah came together in a time of need to try to bring love and warmth to the people of Ukraine ,” said Mircea Divricean , honorary consul general of Romania to Utah and president and CEO of the Kostopulos Dream Foundation . “ As the aid from Utah has made it to the European Union Humanitarian HUB in Suceava , Romania , I am very happy to know those donations will come at a critical time to help and support Ukrainians in need .”
Hundreds of volunteers helped sort and prepare donated items for shipment to Ukraine .