Larry H. and Gail Miller Family Foundation Impact Report 2022 | Page 20


For 20 years , students have received the Larry H . and Gail Miller Enrichment Scholarship to further their academic pursuits at the University of Utah and help them make significant contributions to the community . For recipients , the Larry H . & Gail Miller Family Foundation-funded scholarship means an opportunity to be the first in their family to attend college . The Miller Family Foundation has donated $ 13 million to the scholarship program since 2002 .


We enrich lives by increasing access to quality education and ensuring every student has a pathway to a stable and fulfilling life .

230 recipients since 2002

41 current students

The Larry H . and Gail Miller Enrichment Scholarship has truly changed my life and has given me the opportunity to make my dream a reality . It showed me that I am seen as a person with the potential to change the world and encouraged me to push myself to become the best I can be in my field .
– Lydia Altamiranda , University of Utah Sophomore