Keven chouinard
We introduce you to, he who becomes every trucker's friend, he has been a diesel truck mechanic, and now a singer. He sings his heart out, about life as a trucker, he's the one who we are seeing more and more in truck events across Quebec, you can listen to his awesome work while reading our online magazine. Keven Chouinard, for a proper introduction, we present to you a translated version of his biography, as seen on his website;
Keven Chouinard, is 36 years old, singer-songwriter. He is a fighting man and experienced many sufferings from which he is healed today. Thanks to that pain, he sings with his heart and carries us through his world, his own, filled with hope. Between the age of 11 and 26, the songwriter had experienced many difficulties in his life, until the day he walked through the doors of Notre-Dame de Montréal church and plead with God asking for a last chance or death. After his encounter with the man upstairs, things started to get better and better, there was hope. Thereafter, he confronts the systems accusations and demands therapy. He then takes a home detox therapy that lasts 6 months, but he still doesn't trust himself to go back into society and asks for a 3-month extension for fear of going back from where he's come. Finally out, he faces life head on and takes back his role as a father. He passes 2 professional trades; one of 1800 hours and another of 640 hours. Today Keven is a father of 4, 2 of which are his own. And has never broken his deal with God because now he knows he has a mission to accomplish. M. Chouinard now has a contract with a new partner, Christophe Martin, who is a director, composer and sound engineer. Everything seems to go well for him and he promised us a successful future but most of all to see the end of his deal... A lot of surprises awaits for all of us, never let go because he will never let go of you. xxxx