Large-Car Choppers (e.v.) July - 2019 | Page 53

You wouldn't be surprised to find the outside colours on the interior too, a twin-stick kit has been put in as well as low base seats.

Rémi Durand, the proud owner of this magnificent Large-Car, entrusted us by saying that he has a lot of confidence in his driver, Joey Dubé, to whom he gave the right away for the truck, so it is to him that all the merit must be returned.

For his part, Joey is very thankful towards his boss for the confidence he has for him, it isn’t every day that a 20-year-old has the chance to sit down with a sales representative to order a truck that he will drive himself. So all the credit goes back to Joey for the paint scheme and all the custom modifications that he did himself.

the chance to sit down with a sales representative to order a truck that he will drive himself. So all the credit goes back to Joey for the paint scheme and all the custom modifications that he did himself.

All of our congratulations to both of you, you have a Large-Car to be proud of!