Landscape & Urban Design Issue 71 2025 | Page 46



Image : Arup site conditions to ensure adequate soil volumes for tree health and effective water flow into SuDS features . Engagement with various stakeholders throughout the design and delivery phases was crucial to resolving potential conflicts .
Utilising the GreenBlue Urban ArborFlow SuDs solution , with RootSpace soil support cells , Root Management and Irrigation products , and the specially designed soil , ArborSoil HydroMax . This manufactured soil is designed to be used in tree pits and rain gardens to maximise the pollutant removal , encourage healthy tree and plant growth and deal with large volumes of water in extreme rain events . The SuDS features treat highway runoff , reducing contaminants . The diverse planting , including native species , attracts pollinators and enhances local biodiversity .
Testimonial ’ s Ian Titherington of the Welsh Government praises the project as “ an exceptional example of what can be achieved with SuDS in a heavily developed city centre .”
GreenBlue Urban is delighted to showcase our collaboration on the transformative Wood Street project in Cardiff , executed in partnership with Arup , Cardiff Council , and Knights Brown . This initiative significantly enhanced the local community by addressing urban challenges through innovative green and blue infrastructure .
The project removed 6,800m ² of impermeable surface from the combined sewer system , ensuring resilience against 1 in 100-year rainfall events . Road space was reallocated to create wider pavements , integrated seating areas , enhanced cycling infrastructure , and new green spaces . This transformation from a grey , urban street to a vibrant green space improved air quality with 25 semimature trees , six large biodiverse rain gardens , and three sedum-roofed bus stops .
Commitment to Quality Despite the potential for value engineering to reduce green infrastructure , all stakeholders remained committed to naturebased solutions . Multidisciplinary coordination meetings and designercontractor workshops ensured that the trees and planting were installed as designed , even when site limitations necessitated minor adjustments .
As a gateway to the city , Wood Street now improves accessibility from adjacent southwest wards , enhancing visibility and safety . The tree-lined street connects more people to green spaces , particularly benefiting commuters and workers in Central Square .
Overcoming Challenges The project team creatively navigated numerous utilities and flat
Dan De ’ Ath , Cabinet Member for Strategic Planning and Transport , lauds the transformation for its visual improvement and flood mitigation benefits .
The multi-award winning scheme , was recently crowned the winner at the 2024 SuDSdrain awards for Regeneration and retrofit – small scale .
The project exemplifies the successful collaboration between Arup , Cardiff Council , Knights Brown , and GreenBlue Urban , showcasing our shared dedication to creating sustainable , healthy urban environments through innovative SuDS solutions .
Contact us today to learn more about our ArborSystem suite of products and how we can assist you in your next project .
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