ofericaceous plants such as azaleas , camellias and rhododendrons sticky traps inside your Greenhouse and observe how many you catch .
A Hartley Botanic aluminium Water Butt
environmental concerns , they can often mean more cost-effective solutions .
Rainwater harvesting Water Butts are the simplest way for Greenhouse owners to collect rainwater and , this year , in response to customer demand , Hartley Botanic launched its own range . Rainwater may swing from being sporadic to torrential as a result of climate change , it is also better for plants , as it often has a lower pH . The minerals that are sometimes found in mains water , especially in hard water areas can raise the pH of your root zone , which can affect nutrient availability . Rainwater is vital for the healthy growth
Hartley Botanic ’ s new Water Butts provide a useful rainwater storage solution ( up to 167 litres ) at the same time as offering customers a stylish design which can be powder coated to match their Greenhouse .
Natural pest control Natural , often called ‘ Biological ,’ pest control tackles invasive Greenhouse insect species using predators found in nature , rather than any harmful chemicals . The predatory wasp Encarsia formosa can be used to combat whitefly , predatory mites Phytoseiulus persimilis and Amblyseius , a predatory midge Feltiella acrarsuga and a rove beetle Atheta coriaria can help get rid of red spider mites . You can also control mealybug , with the ladybird Cryptolaemus montrouzieri . Many biological pest controls can be bought online . Greenhouse owners should check their plants regularly for signs of an infestation , as it is easier to control smaller occurrences than an epidemic . To help estimate how extensive a whitefly problem you have , simply install a few yellow
Successional Growing ( year-long harvesting ) Greenhouses provide a controlled environment that can extend the growing season and protect plants from undesirable weather . For those who grow their own food , this means edible plants year-round , it also means enjoying the benefits of bulbs flowering early .
’ Successional sowing ’ allows for growing and harvesting ‘ cut and come again ’ edibles at all stages of growth . This can range from microgreen seedlings to juvenile and mature plants and will result in an interesting array of eating textures - from soft to crisp .
For flowering bulbs in pots , keep them outdoors or in a cold frame at 1.5 to 10C for ten weeks in autumn and early winter . Bring them into the Greenhouse for an early burst of spring . If you have the facilities , put them under growing lamps once they start sprouting , or on a heat mat , enough to encourage growth but not to make stems long and leggy through lack of light .
Keep this in mind when buying bulbs in autumn for planting from September to November for next spring . Traditionally , people ‘ force ’ hyacinths and narcissus but there can be so much more variety than that and it is time for a revisiting of this technique . Other bulbs to consider include ; crocus , daffodils of all kinds including miniatures , ‘ Lily of the Valley ,’ hyacinths , Iris reticulata , Scilla and Lilies .
Spreadlighting Technique – Charleston Cobra A Hartley Botanic Tradition 8 Glass to Ground Greenhouse , Cheltenham , UK Spreadlight
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