Landscape & Urban Design Issue 67 2024 | Page 98


“ We ’ d heard about the quick establishment and germination of Johnsons , and with only five and a half weeks between our renovation and the first game , this was going to be critical . We sowed J Premier Pitch end of May 2023 , saw the first sprouts of germination within seven days and by the first game of the season we were as good as gold !”
J Premier Pitch has delivered proven performance on some of the greatest sporting stages globally . The new 2024 formulation blends five top-rated perennial ryegrass cultivars to create a mixture with exceptional wear tolerance , disease resistance and outstanding visual merit . “ After the impressive initial germination , we ’ ve also noticed the pitch has held up really well given the very wet winter and sustained high levels of play . There has also been a significant reduction in the amount of Red Thread we ’ ve seen in comparison to previous years .”
Ticking the boxes for wear tolerance and fast germination , J Premier Pitch from Johnsons Sports Seed has impressed during its debut season at Dartford Football Club . Under the supervision of Head Groundsman Jay Berkhauer and the team at Jordans Sportsground Solutions , J Premier Pitch was chosen due to a tight six-week renovation window , delivering a quality surface for the first game of season and demonstrating great resilience , despite challenging conditions , ever since .
Jay has been in the industry for 20 years , working on all manner of sports surfaces from Premier League clubs to grassroots facilities , schools , cricket clubs and everything in-between ! For the last seven years he ’ s been an operative for contractors Jordans Sportsground Solutions and has been based at Dartford FC , of the National League South , for five seasons . “ This pitch gets a lot of use !” he exclaims . “ We ’ ve got four teams that play here so when it comes to renovating and preparing the pitch we know we need seed that can handle high levels of stress and wear , and meets the budget and resources we have available .”
“ While we may not have the luxury of a big budget or two weeks of recovery time between fixtures , we still very much aim for professionalism in the product we deliver . By hand seeding goal mouths and spot treating problematic areas we can maintain a pitch that looks good and plays well for the whole season . J Premier Pitch , for us , has been the right balance of price and quality ” he concludes .
www . johnsonssportsseed . co . uk
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