Landscape & Urban Design Issue 67 2024 | Page 73

Cost effective , readily available , hard landscaping solution

What is ChipTex ChipTex is designed to give conventional ( HRA ) Hot Rolled Asphalt a cost effective colour demarcation & enhancement as well as increased durability . The clear binder coated chippings are simply rolled into the surface at the time of laying , enabling the colour to be maintained throughout its lifetime .
ChipTex uses
· Pedestrian areas
· Driveways
· Footpaths
· Highways
· Cycle & bus lanes
PSV requirements Speak to our helpful team to discuss PSV requirements & availability .
ChipTex is available in nominal
sizes of 10 or 20mm .
Colour options Alternative colours also available
Available in : 25kg Bucket Tonne Bags Bulk delivery Manufactured to order .