Landscape & Urban Design Issue 65 2024 | Page 7

Excellence in Landscape Design
Carolin Göhler , President-Elect , Landscape Institute , said : “ I have been a judge at the LI Awards before , but this was my first time as President-Elect , and I was delighted to award the President ’ s Award to such an innovative , entrepreneurial , and deserving winner in the public sector . It is a true exemplar of how landscape can benefit people , place and nature with good community health research , policy making , design , and implementation , with close community liaisons and management of green spaces . I want to thank all the entrants that took part , as well as the judging panels and the many volunteers , and congratulate all the winners - the future of landscape is bright .” Robert Hughes , Acting CEO , Landscape
Institute , said : “ We at the LI are so pleased to see such a continued high standard
Excellence in Place Regeneration of entries . The projects highlighted a wide range of our members ’ work , as well as the wider industry ’ s diverse skills and attributes , with many of the projects reflecting the urgent need to combat social inequality , climate change and the biodiversity emergency with progressive and nature and place-based solutions . Our heartfelt thanks to all our sponsors , volunteers , and supporters for making this important celebration happen .”
Student Dissertation
David Withycombe , Chair of the LI Awards Panel , said : “‘ This year we have seen an exemplary standard of entries . As always it was hard for the judges to narrow all the entries down to a select group of finalists , as the standard was so high . This year we saw the continued themes of combating climate and biodiversity crisis with new and innovative solutions . It was interesting to look back on the last 30 years and see how the profession has changed , as well as looking forward to the beginning of an exciting new chapter .’
Excellence in Small Landscape and Garden Design www . landscapeinstitute . org
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