Landscape & Urban Design Issue 65 2024 | Page 5

Social Outcomes ’ and ‘ Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement ’.
Meanwhile , both PRP and The Paul Hogarth Company won two awards each . PRP won the ‘ Building with Nature National Award ’, for its scheme Pydar , and ‘ Excellence in Collaboration , Engagement and Influence ’ for Dementia Friendly Design . The Paul Hogarth Company won ‘ Excellence in Masterplanning and Urban Design ’ with Letterkenny 2040 and ‘ Excellence in Small Landscape and Garden Design ’ for Glenkinchie Distillery .
Entries across the board point towards a future in which landscape practice plays an essential role in helping the built and natural
environment sectors deliver on their goals around climate , biodiversity , and health . Every successful project at the LI Awards demonstrated how the profession provides the skills and knowledge to create resilient , environmentally friendly , socially inclusive and beautiful spaces , that contribute to the well-being of both people and the planet .
The full list of winners is as follows :
Excellence in Landscape Planning and Assessment Cherry Hinton North Design Code - McGregor Coxall
Excellence in Heritage and Culture St Albans Cathedral Sumpter Yard Revived - J & L Gibbons
Excellence in climate , environment , and social outcomes Climate Ready Edinburgh – Atkins
Dame Sylvia Crowe International Award Rijnvliet Edible Neighborhood - Felixx Landscape Architects
Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement Urban Green UP - re-Shaped & Flavia Goldsworthy
Landscape Legacy Award Renewable Energy , a new aesthetic ? - MVGLA
The Landscape Research and Digital Innovation Award Atlas for a City-Region - Critical Landscapes Design Lab and Gareth Doherty
Excellence in collaboration , engagement and influence
Excellence in Biodiversity Conservation and Enhancement
Landscape and Parks Management
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