Completed in 2021 , The Boston flood defence scheme is a £ 124 million project which provides improved flood protection to over 14,300 homes and businesses , including around 226 at risk listed buildings . Designed to safeguard the town against tidal surges such as the 2013 event which flooded over 820 homes and businesses , the scheme protects against forecast sea level rises for the next 100 years and provides 1 in 300 year storm event protection .
A road for utilities vehicles was required to enable maintenance teams to access the barrier from the top of the embankment and adjacent to the flood defence wall . The Environment Agency also required a natural grass / wildflower surface since the road forms part of the Macmillan Way walking route , a 290 mile footpath linking Boston to Abbotsbury in Dorset with provision for disability access .
The right bank of the project incorporates 4,300m2 of ABG ’ s Sudsgrid 40 cellular paving along with Abgrid , Geogrid and Terrex geotextile to complete a 600m long reinforced grass service road . Sudsgrid ® is a cellular plastic porous paving solution for use in Sustainable Drainage Systems ( SuDS ). Sudsgrid is suitable for a wide range of trafficked applications where a stabilised , free-draining grass or gravel surface is required .
www . abgltd . com
Sustainable Drainage Systems
ABG specialises in the design & manufacture of innovative geosynthetic solutions that help to manage rainwater at source , improve water quality & enhance biodiversity .
Visit abg-geosynthetics . com to find out more .
Blue Roof Systems
Green Roof Systems
Swales , Ponds & Basins
Porous Paving & Drainage
Green Retaining Walls
Tree Root Protection
ABG Geosynthetics Ltd E7 Meltham Mills Rd , Meltham , West Yorkshire , HD9 4DS t 01484 852250 | e info @ abgltd . com | w abgltd . com
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