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soils , growing media and turf
Bio-retention soil mixes now available !
British Standard Topsoil Light in texture with good water holding capacity . Ideal for environmentally conscious landscaping and construction projects .
British Standard Subsoil A high quality , clean and consistent soil with full traceability . Ideal for general infill , raising levels and creating landscape contours .
Roof Garden Substrate Intensive and Extensive options ensuring healthy plant establishment for rooftop or containerised planting projects .
Amenity Tree Soil Load bearing , fertile planting medium . Enables tree root infrastructure to develop under hard urban landscapes .
Bespoke Mixes Rootzones , low fertility soils , subsoil , sports soils and structural soils . New to the range are two Bio Retention soils , suitable for rain garden applications .
Turfs A comprehensive range including Wildflower Turf , which provides an instant wildflower meadow .
T : 01423 332 100 E : sales @ green-tree . co . uk
www . green-tree . co . uk
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