Landscape & Urban Design Issue 61 2023 | Page 10


REMAINING PLANT HEALTHY potential introduction of invasive species . By being Plant Healthy certificated our customers can continue to purchase from us with the confidence that we are raising the standards to follow biosecurity guidelines , plant husbandry and staff training on site .

As a business Provender Nurseries care passionately about plant procurement so we can offer our customers plants that are clean and checked from point of purchase to point of arriving on site . Attaining the Plant Healthy certification each year ensures that our customers have clarity and peace that standards are being met and upheld and are part of our every day running of the business .
Becoming and staying Plant Healthy requires input from all areas of the business due to the wide range of content covered and guidelines to follow . Plant passports , phytosanitary certificates and ensuring the correct import documents are provided by our suppliers for the internal processing of plant orders is done by a wide range of people with a myriad of skills on site .
Now in our third year of being Plant Healthy certificated , Provender Nurseries remains as strongly committed to remaining Plant Healthy as much now as we did back in February 2021 when we first achieved certification .
Plant Healthy is a voluntary scheme developed by the industry , with input from Government as a new quality assurance scheme setting out key requirements for plant health management and was primarily created to protect horticultural supply business against destructive pest and diseases . The scheme was launched in 2020 with Provender Nurseries being among the first nine companies to get involved and achieve Plant Healthy certification .
We are often asked ‘ Why did you become Plant Healthy ?’ The simple answer is we believe in the Plant Healthy scheme , the ethics behind the scheme and we believe in the importance of protecting our country and customers from the
As we look ahead , Plant Healthy is and continues to be part of our daily routine on site , when purchasing and when supplying plants to our clients . Our clients know that our Plant Healthy credentials and commitment to supplying plants that are biosecurity compliant , have always been and remain part of our core .
Let Provender Nurseries take the pressure out of plant sourcing for you . www . provendernurseries . co . uk
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