Landscape & Urban Design Issue 59 2023 | Page 63



Establishing a patio maintenance regime can be very beneficial . It helps retain a tile ’ s aesthetic , along with its performance , and reduces the need for intensive cleaning and re-sealing down the line . Most organic stains are relatively easy to remove , especially if the patio has been sealed , but there are some that can prove more difficult , like black spot .
Black spot originates from plants and trees and , despite its name , it can actually be black or white . The dust-like lichen microspore is carried by the wind and rain and it colonises on stonework , taking around 2-3 years to get really established below the surface . Black spot thrives in damp , shady places , sending its tendrils or ‘ hyphae ’ down into the stone ’ s pores , searching for nutrients . It ’ s a particular menace in porous stone , as its open texture enables the microspores to spread more easily , but even less porous materials like porcelain aren ’ t immune . Here , the lichen can still create a slippery residue on the tile surface .
Cleaning methods that don ’ t work A pressure washer and , sometimes , a dose of household cleaner is a common go-to treatment . However , this doesn ’ t work because hyphae become anchored into place below the surface . In fact , the extra dose of water only makes conditions even better for the rampant lichen . Also , pressure washing can damage the surface of the stone , loosen the grout and , if any protective sealer is applied , it will damage that too .
How to remove stains and preventing regrowth A specialist , two-pronged attack is necessary in order to remove black spot stains and the microspores below the surface . Any treatment used needs to have a bleaching action , to restore the colour of the tile or paver . It also needs to target the hyphae below the surface .
But care should to be taken . If a treatment is acidic , it can damage acid sensitive material and erode the grout joint .
ECOPROTEC Black Spot & Algae Remover targets organic residue , restoring appearance to natural stone , concrete , brick and porcelain , giving results in as little as two hours . Developed to deep clean new and existing paths , patios and driveways , the treatment targets black spot , lichen , moss , algae and other stains caused by damp and slippery leaf matter .
To find out more , call the ECOPROTEC technical team on call
01823 666213 or email technical @ ecoprotec . co . uk
To contact Silex UK , please visit https :// silexuk . com , tel . 0207 504 1070 ( London Office ) or 01225 650122 ( Bath Office ) or email info @ silexuk . com
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