Landscape & Urban Design Issue 59 2023 | Page 54



The concept of a circular economy is not new – in fact , the linear economy characterised by taking , make and dispose of has only existed since the industrial revolution in any particularly meaningful way . In previous eras , very little was thrown away , as nearly everything had an alternative use at the end of its life , even if only for compost . Building materials are a case in point ; many old buildings are constructed from stone from demolished buildings , and some old timbered properties are held up by old ships timbers .
So why don ’ t we still do this everywhere ? The truth is that it ’ s far more convenient and sometimes cheaper to manufacture products from virgin material , and nearly always the quality is more consistent .
GreenBlue Urban has always been committed to the circular economy principle – and it is far wider than just product manufacture . A circular economy is a wide economic system that works to challenge global issues such as waste and pollution , but also climate change , biodiversity loss and pollution – both air and water . In setting such massive goals , the circular economy needs a huge shift in thinking , by all of us .
In addition to the issues that the circular economy seeks to tackle , as above , it is designed to benefit not only the environment but to bring prosperity to business and to society . It is regenerative by design , meaning that natural resources do not become so quickly depleted , and therefore new industries came to arise , bringing healthy economic growth .
Planting trees is a perfect example of a circular economy , as the tree provides multiple benefits during its life , and can be used to manufacture products when it is cut down . Removal of a plantation tree results in space left for new tree planting , bringing employment to often rural areas . But what about urban trees ?
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