Landscape & Urban Design Issue 59 2023 | Page 24



Through the course of this year , Greenwood Plants has introduced many new pioneering sustainable practices , which will contribute to its long-term goal of reaching Net Zero and play a part in positively impacting climate change .
This includes using resources efficiently , reducing waste , supporting biodiversity , and aiming to become carbon neutral .
One of Greenwood ’ s greatest commitments is to transition to 100 % peat-free growing media by the end of 2023 , ahead of anticipated industry regulation to prohibit the use of peat for commercial growers .
Greenwood has been carrying out extensive trials since early 2022 and is making excellent headway towards its goal , as one in four plants at Greenwood is now potted in peat-free growing media , across its nurseries .
Greenwood ’ s trials involve exploring new types of growing media to support its annual production of more than six million plants . The trials allow the production team to tweak the composition to get the pH and nutrient levels and structure right , as well as alter the irrigation programmes .
“ Achieving sustainability leadership is a major focus for us ”, says Managing Director , Glenn Devenish . “ To help us achieve this vision , we are committed to growing in the greenest way possible by stopping the use of peat , becoming fully carbon neutral , and being an active stakeholder in local communities and environments .”
The increase in peat-free growing media covers all areas of the business , such as its new contract growing programme “ Watch It Grow ”, that is now offered fully peat-free , and its new trade sales centre , Greenwood Choice , that has its own dedicated peat-free area to display the high-quality offering to clients who visit . This area will be expanding in the new year .
The environmental benefits of growing in peat-free compost , such
as an improved carbon footprint , can be passed onto the whole supply chain . Whilst peat is an excellent growing medium , its harvesting process releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere , which has an adverse effect on greenhouse gas levels and contributes to climate change .
Scientists also see the importance and fragility of peatlands to be equal to that of rainforests ; there are major concerns and peatlands need to be protected .
Transitioning to peat-free is a huge undertaking , but Greenwood has risen to the challenge and is excited to reach its goal in 2023 .
If you ’ d like to find out more about Greenwood ’ s sustainability and community efforts , visit www . greenwoodplants . co . uk .
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