Boughton ’ s IN1 substrate was selected to support this scheme thanks to its ability to support larger plants and to be installed at depths from 100 – 500cm , thanks to its sandy texture . Additionally , Boughton ’ s IN1 substrate offers significant moisture retention qualities , making it the perfect choice when so many plants are vying for attention within this threehectare site . IN1 from Boughton continues to meet and exceed all G . R . O guidelines .
Elsewhere Boughton ’ s Lightweight Substrate was used to provide growing media where weight loading for the green roof needed to be lighter than traditional green roof schemes . Finally , Rootzone completed the offering . Supplied as a ready-mixed solution , Rootzone provided better planting conditions throughout the scheme .
Product was supplied in both bulk bags and 25L bags , meaning the Boughton team had to go above and beyond to tackle the logistically challenges that delivering to a central location presented . Representative of one of the biggest projects Boughton has ever been involved in , it was vital that the team got it right . Boughton Managing Director , Simon Hedley , said : “ Being able to contribute to the development of the Battersea Power Station and play a small part in the history of this London landmark has been an honour and one that we are proud to share with our customers and the wider community . We have no doubt that our green roof substrate will help the planting at ‘ Boiler House Square ’ to thrive both now and long into the future , making this incredible garden space a truly iconic part of London ’ s green roof story .”
Talking during the construction of the horticulturally rich roof garden , Willerby Landscapes said : “ Boughton were a pleasure to work with , being able to safely deliver the material to site despite the many logistical challenges that this prestigious , central London project posed . They supplied us with top quality substrates specifically approved by Tim O ’ Hare , as well as a service that ’ s hard to beat ”.
Boughton IN1 Green Roof Substrate – key information :
• Bulk density oven dried ( g cm-3 ) 1.07
• Bulk density at 10 % VMC ( g cm-3 ) 1.33
• Bulk density at field capacity ( g cm-3 ) 1.46
• Field Capacity (% v / v ) 53.9
• Particle Density ( g cm-3 ) 2.18
• Total Porosity (%) 48.9
• Porosity at Field Capacity (%) 57.5
• Effective Porosity (%) 0.0
• Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
• ( mm min-1 ) 18
Boughton ’ s Green Roof Substrates are specifically designed to suit any domestic or commercial project . To enquire about your next project , contact by calling ( 01536 ) 510515 or email sales @ boughton . co . uk .
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