Landscape & Urban Design Issue 54 2022 | Page 73

Spring sowing for summer showing

Your Spring Collection

Select from over 30 mixtures including Alliance , Banquet , Boulevard , Celebrate , Cornflowers , Chameleon , Classic , Contrast , Cornfield Annuals , Dry , Endurance , Flora Britannica , Ground Cover , Honey , Hope , Horizon , Meadow Breeze , Native Pollinator , Poppies , Posy , Rainbow Annuals , Rainbow Perennials , Reviva , Sarah Bouquet , Spring Flower , Summer Lace , Super Blue Bee , Tenor , Tudor Scent .
_ Combination of mixtures provides extended period of flowering from early / mid summer through to first frosts of autumn .
_ First flowers appear approximately 50-55 days after sowing
_ An extensive range of colours , heights and growth habits
_ Provides season long supply of nectar and pollen
_ Choose a combination of 50g packs in the Discovery box selection or 1 kg packs of a single mixture

For more information on ALL the mixtures , flower species , site selection , sowing rates and testimonials , log onto : www . originamenity . com

The new 2022 Euroflor brochure is now available from your Origin Amenity Area Manager

An Ecological Initiative

Project Pollin-8 is an Origin Amenity initiative to help arrest the decline in the UK bee population . Crucially , springtime flowers provide an earlier seasonal supply of energy-rich nectar and pollen , sustaining pollinators when resources are most scarce .
0800 138 7222 sales @ originamenity . com www . originamenity . com