Landscape & Urban Design Issue 54 2022 | Page 68



The pandemic has heralded a fundamental rethink about our public realm , showing that a fresh approach is needed to designing the spaces between buildings with multifunctional and long-life but adaptable solutions , ready to meet climate change and other developing requirements – as the trade association Interpave explains .
Apart from temporary measures for social distancing , the pandemic accelerated implementation of issues raised in the past but put on the back-burner . They include ‘ active travel ’ ( walking , cycling and the ’ 15-minute neighbourhood ’), ‘ low traffic neighbourhoods ’ ( reflecting previously adopted home zones ) and reinvention of the high street ( responding to the growth in on-line shopping ).
However , a range of wider concerns centred on climate change also need to be addressed in an integrated approach , such as flooding , watercourse pollutants , carbon reduction , air pollution and urban overheating . Measures to deal with these issues are now being implemented by local authorities through planning policies .
Replacing Temporary Measures During the pandemic , local authorities acted quickly with temporary measures for cyclists and social-distancing pedestrians , manifested with a sea of cones , barriers , road-closures and surface planters . Inevitably , these measures were far from ideal and many have proved unpopular . Hurriedlywidened footways with upstand kerbs running along the centre are just one example . Now , a more flexible approach is anticipated with permanent but adaptable paving solutions , applicable both to regeneration and new developments .
Adopting the principles of ‘ modern methods of construction ’, factoryproduced modular concrete paving offers a solution , delivering fast , lowcost installation , including limitedintervention retrofits . Importantly , layouts can easily be altered and modular concrete paving taken up and re-used to meet changing demands , while meeting ‘ circular ’ economy ’ criteria . This principle generally applies to all precast concrete block and flag products . Distinct , modular units and designed variations in colour , texture and shape can break up areas giving visual interest and a human scale not possible with monotonous , formless materials . So , modular concrete paving delivers a unique combination of predictability , safety and accessibility for all , with scope for endless variety in shape , scale , colour and texture to enrich the urban environment creating real ‘ places for people ’.
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