Landscape & Urban Design Issue 54 2022 | Page 50





Linmere Park is an exciting new ‘ urban village ’ situated on Green Belt land to the North of Houghton Regis near Luton , close to the new J11A of the M1 .
The ethos of this new centre for South Befordshire is all about wellbeing , and healthy outdoor living . Over the next fifteen years more than 5,000 homes are planned , along with four new schools : three primary and one secondary . What sets this development apart is the refreshing amount of green space .
The role of ‘ design lead ’ was awarded to Barton Willmore , one the UK ’ s leading architectural practices . They worked with Land Improvement Holdings and their partners to deliver a vision to fulfil a need for more sustainable housing , as well as providing a versatile environment centred around core social values , health , and well-being .
To achieve this , over 30 % of the entire site has been allocated to open space for sports , recreation , amenity , and the enhancement
of biodiversity . This equates to a total of 192 acres ( 78ha ) of green space , as opposed to the traditional 6-acre provision . With tree lined pedestrian and cycle routes linking various parts of the development , the emphasis is on safe access to green space for all members of the community .
Frosts and Green-tech Involvement : One of the UK ’ s longest standing landscape contractors , Frosts Landscape Construction was awarded the landscaping and ground works . Much of which involved the ground preparation for the grassed areas as well as planting of several thousand trees and shrubs . To protect the newly planted saplings from wildlife damage and the environment , 500 spiral tree guards were supplied , along with over 6,000 shrub shelters and mesh tree guards .
The last thing any contractor wants when they have planted several thousand trees , is for them to be decimated by the local animal population ! Green-tech ’ s Tubex
Shrubshelters help in the early years of planting , offering excellent protection from grazing wildlife , whilst providing a micro-climate within the shelter to aid early growth and healthy establishment . The Shrubshelters also have an integrated tie for quick and easy stake fixing and can be collected and recycled as part of the Tubex recycling scheme .
For the plants that need a bit more room , the Mesh Tree Guard has a 12mm plastic netting with an open structure that allows airflow and more natural climatic conditions , whilst still protecting the young tree from grazing animals .
Having worked with Frosts for over 15 years , Green-tech was delighted to be able to supply all the necessary guards and shelters from stock . We also supplied over 7,000 tree stakes , controlled release fertiliser and Mycorrhiza Rootgrow .
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