Autumn Sowing – The advantages 1 . Earlier flowering displays the following year 2 . Advantageous for perennial mixes which first flower the year after sowing
3 . Perfect time for sowing 100 % native & naturalised species
4 . Reduces the impact of spring climatic variability such as drought or late frosts
Flowers are a valuable resource for enriching the urban environment , supporting bio-diversity , producing stunning vistas and generally brightening up parkland , housing estates , verges , entrances to towns and cities , roundabouts , in cemetaries and in areas where they sown in place of grass to reduce mowing frequency .
Euroflor 100 % flower seed , unlike “ wildflower ” seed , is germination tested just like grass seed . Low maintenance comes from just one cut per year in autumn after seeds have ripened and fallen and a sowing rate of just 3g per square metre means 1kg of Euroflor covers approximately 333 square metres , making it an extremely costeffective and rewarding choice for enhancing the landscape .
Autumn Sowing Euroflor mixes recommended for autumn sowing for flowering the following year . Alliance : Combination of red Field ( or Common ) Poppies and Cornflowers . Adds a splash of colour to out of play sparse roughs Boulevard : Low growing , 100 % native & naturalised perennials . Perfect for driveway entrance and mixed borders Cornfield Annuals : Classic cornfield mix - excellent in out of play sparse roughs Cornflowers : 100 % Cornflowers . Mainly blue but also shades of pink and white Endurance : For shallow , free draining , impoverished soils . Perfect for heat traps - eliminates the need for annual sowings Flora Britannica : 100 % native and naturalised species recommend for ecological conservation schemes , riversides / out of play areas . Native Pollinator : 100 % UK native and naturalised flora - abundant nectar and pollen . A more discreet flowering display for environmentally sensitive sites . Poppies : 100 % Field ( or Common ) Poppies of exceptional purity and germination Rainbow Perennials : Predominantly perennial species for extended flowering and more permanent displays from spring to late autumn Spring Flower : Earlier spring source of nectar and pollen - may flower a second period in autumn if cut back after flowering .
Summer Preparation
1 . Cut existing vegetation down to 5cm or lower in July / August to prevent self-seeding
2 . If using a glyphosate such as Hi-Aktiv , to control existing vegetation , apply 7 to 10 days after cutting to allow for regrowth .
3 . Cultivate and prepare an early seed bed in August / September ( depending on season )
4 . Let the weed seed bank germinate and either treat again , hoe or harrow the area to reduce weed species
5 . FloraFleece is a biodegradable weed suppressant matting as an excellent alternative to herbicide control and eliminates the need for cultivation prior to sowing
Time to sow Sow Euroflor mixes at 3-4g per square metre in late August – September ( north & east ), late August – mid October ( south & west ). Apply a pre-seed organic based fertiliser such as Apex 4-6- 4 , particularly if soil fertility is impoverished . Ensure seeds are in good contact with the soil and keep seed and seedlings moist until well established .
www . rigbytaylor . com / flower-seed / euroflor /
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