Landscape & Urban Design Issue 50 2021 | Page 3



Garden Design | 04 - 33
Artificial Grass | 34 - 38
Decking | 39 - 57
Sports & Play | 136 - 146
Garden Design 04 - Cook up a storm this summer with these top outdoor kitchen tips from Nomad Developments .
12 - This London rooftop had previously been underutilised before garden designer Georgia Lindsay got to work .
18 - Bring the great outdoors into any urban space and let watering take care of itself with a superstylish range of state-of-the-art planters .
32 - Acidic and low pH tolerant plants ... More choices than you may think .
34 - Designing eco-friendly gardens without sacrificing the aesthetic .
Artificial Grass 38 - Five hospitality venues across the UK that Namgrass have worked with to help business owners embrace the change needed to be profitable during the last year .
Decking 42 - South Cerney Outdoor Centre brings Ecodek onboard for a striking waterside bistro project .
56 - Outdoor living design trends for 2021 have never been more inventive – and many are here to stay .
Green & Blue Infrastructure 60 - Maximising biodiversity net gain with ‘ lifetime ’ living walls .
66 - An exclusive area of London features an impressive line-up of greening measures , all helping to achieve Carbon Net Zero status .
68 - Urban greening projects are expected to increase across the UK , following changes to local and national planning policies .
Bollards 75 - The importance of striking the right balance between security and aesthetics when securing public spaces .
Concrete & Stonework 82 - BAI awards celebrate hard work , craftsmanship and dedication .
86 - Bradstone launches its first low carbon paving range for gardens and driveways .
Landscaping Services 102 - A cost-effective surfacing option for gravel driveways .
118 - HTA predicts tree shortage issues for government targets .
Tools , Plant & Equipment 120 - Kubota is providing the horsepower at a series of high profile equestrian events this year .
Sports & Play 136 - Taktik design has completely redesigned the exterior schoolyard of Collège Saint-Paul , a high school renowned for its sporting vocation .
142 - Infection free play - designing post pandemic playgrounds .
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Cover images courtesy of : Left : Nomad Developments | Top Right : ACO | Bottom Right : Taktik Design
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