Landscape & Urban Design Issue 43 2020 | Page 74

DECKING ENSURE THE LIFE OF YOUR DECK WITH TREX ® Today’s high-performance composite deck boards, like those from Trex, are warranted to last. But what about the substructure material underneath? If the posts and beams that support the deck are made of wood, they are likely to deteriorate long before the decking warranty elapses. Now, there is a simple and cost-effective solution to combatting the damaging effects of nature and time. A STRONG, EASY, AND FAST ALTERNATIVE TO CONCRETE OSMOUK Post Fix is a strong, easy-to-use, and fast-setting solution that allows landscape architects and garden designers to fix garden posts or sports poles in a matter of minutes, making it a cost effective, lightweight alternative to concrete. With no complicated installation process and no need for any tools or fixings, everyone can use OSMOUK Post Fix. Applications include fences, garden lights, post boxes, signs, washing lines, and bird baths, as well as sports posts, such as basketball hoops and football, tennis, and volleyball nets. OSMOUK Post Fix has a shelf life of 12 months, if stored in its original package and away from direct sunlight and moisture. To watch the OSMOUK Post Fix installation video, visit and search for OSMOUK Post Fix. For more information on OSMOUK Post Fix, visit, email [email protected] or call +44 (0) 1296 481 220. Trex® Protect™ Joist and Beam Tape is a self-adhesive butyl tape that works by shielding the tops of joists, rim joists, ledger boards and beams from moisture that can lead to rot, wood decay and the loosening of deck screws. It also acts as a barrier between wood and galvanized metal commonly used in construction hardware such as joist hangers. Additionally, Trex Protect seals deck fasteners and helps deck screws hold longer and stronger by preventing moisture penetration and defending against splitting that can result from seasonal freezing and thawing. For more information about Trex Protect visit The ideal low maintenance, rot-resistant alternative to traditional cladding material that will give your home a timelessly beautiful facade. ü low maintenance ü factory applied colour ü easy to install more at Housebuilder 185x131mm.indd 1 74 16/01/2020 12:34 Follow us @ludmagazine