“When the time came to replace
them, we wanted a good all-
rounder – capable of site wide
aeration.” Having been impressed
with the Verti-Drain® at a previous
club, Chris was keen to go down
the Charterhouse road this time
and spoke with local dealer F G
Adamson and Sons.
“The size of the 7416 model was a
perfect fit for our requirements
and fleet of tractors. It’s super easy
to set up, quiet in operation and
covers the ground at good speed.
The timing of its delivery meant it
was out straight away and every
couple of weeks after that, relieving
compaction on pathways, walkways
and fairways which kept us free of
any waterlogging over the very wet
winter months.”
Chris purchased his Verti-Drain®
with solid tines, and additional
hollow tines for year-round
flexibility. “In a regular year, we
would equip the Verti-Drain® with
pencil tines to aerate the greens
through the summer then as we
head towards the back end of
the year we’d then look at hollow
coring and using bigger tines on the
fairways and other areas.”
The Verti-Drain 7416 in action at Selby Golf Club
Course Manager at Selby Golf Club,
Chris Goodall, says the arrival of
their new Charterhouse Verti-
Drain® 7416 in November 2019
couldn’t have come at a better time!
The heathland course is very sandy
meaning it is playable all year round
and, in turn, makes it one of the
busiest clubs in Yorkshire. This level
of traffic has seen the Verti-Drain®
in high demand over the winter
period, tackling compaction on some
of the high footfall areas.
“We previously had two separate
aerators – one of which was proving
too heavy for our ageing tractors,
and the other was smaller so only
really suitable for work on the
greens” explains Chris, who has been
at the club for five years.
The Verti-Drain® 7416 has a 1.6m
working width and offers a 14”
maximum working depth. The range
of solid and hollow tine options,
together with its weight, makes it
a popular choice for golf courses;
but it’s robust nature also makes it
ideal for penetration of hard and
compacted soils on a range of sports
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