Landscape & Urban Design Issue 43 2020 | Page 21

LANDSCAPE SERVICES “To achieve these objectives, many of our seasonal bedding schemes were changed to Euroflor Urban flower meadow seed mixtures, which resulted in fantastic displays that lasted all summer.” Hall Om Wong Park received a very positive public feedback and Broxtowe Council hope to extend this scheme to other areas around the Borough next summer; this will include areas of highway verges as well as parks, open spaces and other areas that have been neglected to bring them back to life. Hugh continues, “By incorporating Wildflowers areas around our Borough, it has helped boost pollen and nectar availability for our declining pollinator population and, as we are all aware, these wildflowers are meant for our environment after all!” For example, commenting on one site, Copeland MP Trudy Harrison said: “Electricity North West has planted what was previously grassland, requiring regular and costly maintenance, into a beautiful and environmentally beneficial wildflower oasis…This is an economic, environmental and social win, win, win project which should be replicated all over the UK.” Angie Thornton, Electricity North West’s Groundworks Delivery Manager, who is heading up the scheme, said: “We are all absolutely delighted with the results; the sites truly have been transformed from what used to be eyesores into beautifully vibrant areas for the local communities to take pride in and spaces for revitalising insects and wildlife. North West Electricity – Transforming our spaces’ Whitehaven, West Cumbria Rigby Taylor’s Euroflor urban meadow flower seed mixes have played a key role in the success of Electricity North West’s ‘Transforming our Spaces’ project by revamping substations throughout the region with spectacular displays of colour from flower mixes that also attract a host of pollinators. The colourful displays produced by the Euroflor seed mixes also drew laudatory comments from the local communities as well as council officials and MPs. Electricity North West’s CEO. Peter Emery at one of the revamped substations in Bolton also delivering high visual impact. The displays lasted through the summer and into October and November. Electricity North West’s ‘Transforming our Spaces’ project will return this year with the continued support from Rigby Taylor. Hever Castle grounds and golf course, Edenbridge, Kent As a result of the “fantastic success” of its displays of Rigby Taylor’s Euroflor urban meadow flower seed mixes, Kent-based stately home Hever Castle has expanded the total area planted this year to more than 5,000 square metres. The meadow flower project on the 400-acre estate, which includes an adjoining golf course, was initiated by Hever Castle Golf Club’s head greenkeeper Rob Peers to “encourage visitors to both the golf course and the estate to fully enjoy and be immersed by and engaged with the complete site”. Hever Castle Lake side Euroflor mixtures Eight substations were initially targeted last year and working closely with Rigby Taylor, various Euroflor urban meadow flower mixes were selected. These included Rainbow Perennials and Flora Britannica from Euroflor’s Project Pollin-8 range specifically designed to attract pollinators while Rainbow Perennials The Euroflor seed mixes selected were Meadow Breeze, Rainbow Annuals, Bleuet de France (renamed Cornflowers) and Classic and were chosen in terms of being ‘best fit’ options in terms of colour and height, as well as in texture and form. The flower displays will last through the summer and into October/November. Rob continues, “The project has been an overwhelming success throughout the castle grounds and on areas of the golf course. In addition, I’ve never seen so many pollinating insects on the estate – a wonderful sight”. Follow us @ludmagazine 21