Landscape & Urban Design Issue 43 2020 | Page 16

GARDEN DESIGN USING INSTANT LIVING SCREENS TO CREATE A BIOPHILIC ENVIRONMENT TO ENHANCE HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND WELLBEING OR ZEN AND THE ART OF INSTANT GREEN SCREENING BIOPHILIA East of Eden’s first involvement with the supply and installation of instant living screens was with ‘The Rain Chain’ garden by Wendy Allen, which won the Best Sustainable Garden and a Gold medal at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show 2009. 16 As soon as the garden was completed, it became apparent that, in contrast to the use of a fence or wall, the instant green screen boundary created a sense of tranquillity and connection with the natural world that permeated into the whole garden. Since then East of Eden have often pondered why a simple green boundary could have created such a powerful effect on me. Could our interaction with nature be operating at a deeper subconscious level, reflecting our evolutionary origins and cultural development. Follow us @ludmagazine