Landscape & Urban Design Issue 42 2020 | Page 24

LANDSCAPING SERVICES RIGBY TAYLOR LAUNCH THE 2020 EUROFLOR BROCHURE This 56 page, full colour, fully illustrated publication is available free on request and lists all the mixtures in the Euroflor range. Each mixtures has a dedicated page that shows at a glance, a pictorial illustration of how it looks in flower, list of species, its characteristics (germination time/flowering period/drought resistance), flowering height, pack coverage, seed composition and sowing/ flowering period. The brochure also features a section on its environmental initiative, Project Pollin-8 specifically introduced to assist in reversing the decline of pollinating insects, in particular bees. Rigby Taylor has introduced to the Euroflor seed range 12 mixtures that have been identified through information from independent research to have a longer seasonal supply of nectar and pollen to attract pollinating insects……as well as providing highly visual and attractive displays of season long colour, In addition, the brochure contains a technical guide to site selection soil and seed bed preparation, seed sowing, maintenance specifications and troubleshooting. It also features testimonials from organizations who New for 2020 have discovered the benefits of sowing Euroflor urban meadows. One such organization, Monmouthshire County Council undertook an independent study of their experiences and a Case Study is available on request. An essential part of the brochure is the Identiflower section that displays and lists, both in their Latin and common names, all the individual species contained in the Euroflor mixture range. This listing allows the reader to identify and select those mixtures with the colour and growth characteristics required. All this information is available on the dedication Euroflor website, Superior quality designer meadows from seed and PMTurf based on 20 years of research and development Request your catalogue or arrange your CPD now: 01142 677 635 Introducing... Magic Meadows™ by Pictorial Meadows An expertly balanced mix of annuals, biennals, and perennials Dramactic changes in colours and variety from year to year Choose from 3 stunning new meadow designs 24 Meadow seed and PMTurf™supply Training and CPD seminars Design and consultation Meadow installation Follow us @ludmagazine