Glee, and The Retail Lab is an exciting Glee Connect is the brand-new Taking place at the perfect time of
and inventive feature area showcasing dedicated matchmaking service on year to re-stock shelves just before
future product, in-store experience offer at Glee, designed to not only Christmas, Glee is the most crucial
and merchandising trends. provide you with the opportunity to garden trade event in the gardening
make meaningful connections, but to industry calendar.
Priding ourselves in bringing the very
latest product innovations, concepts
and insights, all our features are
carefully curated to help you take
as much inspiration back to your
also ensure you make the most of your
time at the show. Register for Glee first
Register for your free ticket today!
then download the App today to start
stores as possible, so you can start Glee offers three jam packed days of
implementing the ideas and concepts networking, selling and purchasing
you see straight away. which are not to be missed.