5: With so much success spanning
2: Over the past 40 years, we have performance, we’ve been able to developments and activities from years. of pressure to continue to uphold
more recent Kubota Apprenticeship We are also truly proud of our heritage years, how does Kubota plan on
programs something we could look it’s always been important to learn and coming years? landscape. By understanding what the At a product level, we know how
industry needs from its machinery important it is to identify the next
Most definitely. We are committed to and manufacturing equipment, industry necessity in order to uphold
serving our customers with up to date we’re able to adapt to the rapidly our fantastic reputation as innovators
products and the latest innovations changing technology and utilise this and industry leaders.
in technology. This requires both to transform existing machines. It’s aftersales service and support through our dedication to the industry, with a dedicated and well trained network the robust build and performance of of dealers and service technicians. Kubota machines which has played a This is what our customers have significant role in the success of our today and will expect tomorrow. At business. the changing industry. Not only does
4: Obviously this year celebrating helps Kubota to stay ahead of the
seen so many fantastic products,
Kubota some of which include the
remain unmatched over the last 40
Programme. Are these type of and as the business continues to grow,
to expect to see more off in the adapt to the ever-changing groundcare
Kubota, we’re dedicated to continuing
this level of service, which is why our
apprenticeship programmes are so
your 40th Anniversary is very
over 40 years there must be a lot
the market presence in the coming
being able to continue this strength
for another 40 years?
Doing this means we can adapt
existing models or develop a new
machine, built with features to help
our customers meet the demands of
this benefit our customers, but it also
valuable. exciting and there is a lot of buzz The existing Kubota Dealer you tell us if Kubota has anything big business for us, and will continue
event? beyond. With continual investment
It’s a very exciting time for us at and R&D expansion, Kubota will
Kubota this year and celebrating our inevitably increase in its global brand
40th anniversary has been a brilliant positioning.
Apprenticeship Programme allows
those entering the programme to
experience the industry first-hand
and learn more about our dealers and
customers. To date, this has proven a
real success and we’d love to expand
our apprenticeships across the
business as these programmes open
up opportunities for those taking part,
around the anniversary, but could The groundcare sector in particular is
special planned to celebrate the to be for the next 40 years and
milestone for not only our staff, but
also for our dealers and customers
too. We’ve used the news to help
whilst offering on-the-job experience. support our marketing at shows and
3: One thing I would like to really Game Fair in the UK to offer Kubota
to commend Kubota on is staying
true to its history and to continue
to uphold such a strong branding
in particular, we teamed up with The
customers special advanced ticket
presence. With a company which has At Kubota, we also organised a staff
in the market, it must be hard to in celebrating such a momentous
level but what would you say is day driving some of our machines
reaching this 40th Anniversary? mowers to the M7, as well as our wide
The key is our flexibility. We’re always have plans to plant a tree at Kubota HQ
conscious of the growing interest as a testament to the last 40 years and
and demand within the industry at to mark the occasion.
such strong heritage and presence activity day to get everyone involved
consistently perform at such a high occasion. The teams spent an entire
the key to the success of the brand which was great fun, varying from
Kubota and we want to ensure our
equipment can be fitted with whatever
technology our customers require
or currently use. It’s this focus and
consistency across the years which
has allowed us to perform at such a
high level and with our continuous
product innovation, reliability and
in products, services, recourses
To maintain this high level of success,
it is important for us to future-gaze
and predict what could be in store for
the sector, including looking at how
this may impact not only our business,
but our customers too.
We’ll strive to offer advice and
consultancy on these changes and
the issues affecting the industry to
ultimately help our customers and
dealers make the right decisions for all
their business needs.
range of RTV’s and diggers. We also
For any business to have been
successful across four decades is
impressive and something we’re
incredibly proud of, but it also sets
the precedence for what the next four
decades may have in store for us and
the wider industry as a whole.