Landscape & Urban Design Issue 39 2019 | Page 44
Photo: Margot Hartford © 2016 Houzz
many late-flowering bulbs, perennials, late summer and autumn garden, as
grasses and foliage.” well as being wonderful pollinators.”
misty mornings approaches, it’s time If you want to add colour to your Don’t overlook grasses either, as they
to think about making some seasonal garden in late summer and early “really come into their own from
changes to your garden. With the right autumn, Claudia recommends Sedums September onwards and fill the gap in
planting and accessories, you can as “a staple for the late summer and many borders” says Claudia. “Don’t
extend your time outside and enjoy autumn garden, providing much be tempted to cut grasses down, even
the glorious colours and late season needed colour and nectar for bees, if they look a bit sad or windswept, as
Victoria Harrison, Editor of Houzz
As the season of wood smoke and
sunlight for as long as possible.
“Autumn is a wonderful time in the
garden” says Houzz professional
and garden designer Claudia de
Yong. “With the low level of evening
light casting intricate shadows and
the leaves changing colour to reds,
butterflies and hoverflies.” She also they will continue to hold the border
suggests Japanese anemone as one of together right through the autumn and
the “few plants that continue to flower into winter, prolonging interest, and
right through the late summer into some look wonderful in the frosts.”
autumn” But she cautions that “it can
be known to colonise areas, so plant
it where it won’t compete with other
While the garden naturally thins out
in autumn, Claudia suggests leaving
plants.” seedheads on plants to avoid your
Despite the shortening days, the If you like blue or purple, she suggests “If you leave the seedheads on and
month of October can bring a richness Asters (or Michaelmas daisies) and the grasses long, then the season will
of colour to the garden thanks to the adds that they are “invaluable for the carry on well into the winter months.”
oranges and golds, it’s just magical.
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 39 2019
borders looking too bare.