To the rear of the garden was a who perhaps do not have time for too
poignant memory tree with heart much upkeep, therefore everything
shaped keyrings hanging from the has been done with this in mind. We
branches. hope Scotty’s Little Soldiers love it
These contained heartfelt messages
and it was a joy to create.”
from Scotty’s Little Soldiers members Scotty’s Little Soldiers founder, Nikki
to the parent they lost and a bench Scott, added: “On behalf of the whole
by the tree provided the family with charity we want to say a big thank you
somewhere to sit and reflect. and congratulations to ABC for their
‘Buds That Bloom’ was named by the
work creating ‘Buds That Bloom’.
children of Scotty’s Little Soldiers. “It means a lot to our families that
Designer, Suse Cook, commented: someone is thinking about them in
“Each year we select a cause and this this way. The garden looked fantastic
year we decided it simply had to be in a week where the weather has been
Scotty’s – a local charity to us which is perfect for outdoor activities.”
simply incredible.
“We have children and also have
friends family in the Forces, so the
charity’s message is one we totally
understand and support.
To learn more about Scotty’s
Little Soldiers, visit:
The garden has been designed for
predominantly single-parent families
Issue 39 2019 Landscape & Urban Design