1:- GKB has such a rich heritage 2:- GKB holds the slogan ‘The 3:- With the groundskeeping
brand going back more than 70 on why you have chosen this as the lot of companies offering different
which has stayed strong with the
years. How important is it that
today’s GKB stays true to the family
Worker Is King’ could you elaborate
companies tagline?
sector being very crowded and a
machines that boast the very best in
terms of performance and reliability
heritage? We have chosen this tagline because That we are a family owned company When we are developing a machine, is an important part of the way we we are looking at ways to make it At GKB Machines we place high value
work. It comes back in all parts of the easy to operate, to help the Worker on final user of the machines from
company, the way we are working with with his job. But it is also why our GKB. We do not make a fuss over our
our colleagues, with our dealers and machines are reliable, a Worker doesn’t secret. On the contrary, we prefer to
customers but also with our suppliers. like breakdowns. And it comes back share our secret with you. Primarily,
We are always focusing on long term at service again, because we are a since we are proud of the way we
relationships. It’s one of the reasons contractor in the area of Rotterdam, we develop and innovate our business. We
we have multiple colleagues working understand why it is important to be do not develop from drawing board; we
over 25 years for us. quickly on the road again if something develop from the experience gain in
happens with the machine. In the end the field. That is the place where the
the best sport pitches or golf courses are ideas that GKB Machines implements
made if there is a good match between originate from. The result are the
the Worker and the GKB Machines. machines that every worker would
it comes all together at the Worker.
what would you say makes GKB stand
out and rise above its competition?
like to work with. The Worker is King!”
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 39 2019