A smooth and seamless finish is
obtainable with good slip resistance,
which ensures that the surface is
comfortable underfoot and suitable for
pedestrian and wheelchair use, making
it ideal for healthcare and education
schemes as well as garden projects and
pool surrounds. Available in a wide
range of aggregate colours, the surface
lends itself to creating designs with
patterns, logos, wording etc.
Evolving Resin Bound Range
Addagrip Terraco Ltd has been
manufacturing and formulating high
quality resin based surfacing for
over 39 years and strives to bring
innovative paving options to the
marketplace to meet ever changing
project requirements. All of our
systems are formulated and tested to
a high standard to ensure they meet
the expectations of our customers
and offer the most suitable surfacing
option for their projects.
That’s why Addagrip Terraco has
developed a full range of tailored
resin bound systems each possessing
properties that offer solutions for
different site conditions and design
A typical lifespan of our quality resin
bound systems is in excess of 15
All systems provide hard wearing, Crematorium, Battersea Park and
low maintenance, decorative, SuDS Leaders Gardens Putney to meet such
compliant surfacing when installed challenges.
by our approved contractors onto a
suitable asphalt or concrete base. Terrabase Rustic offers a natural
Innovative resin bound without aggregate size, installed onto a
invasive groundwork
But what if you have a site that is
sensitive where invasive groundworks
are not an option? Addagrip offers
an innovative ‘Minimum/No-dig
Terrabase Rustic system for those
‘rustic looking’ finish using a 6-10mm
compacted MOT Type 3 base or in
some instance onto existing ground,
which can be used for pedestrian
and light vehicle traffic. Minimum
dig, minimum disruption, low
environmental impact.
projects where a concrete or asphalt Due to increasing demand for
base is not appropriate e.g. heritage minimum/do-dig resin bound
sites, sensitive locations such as surfacing, the Terrabase system is
cemeteries and areas affected by now available as a Terrabase Classic
surface tree root issues. Our system using our BBA certified Addaset,
has been widely used at Royal Addabound and Terrabound for a more
Botanical Gardens Kew, Mortlake contemporary resin bound.
Adding Some Sparkle Addagrip Terraco – Leading the way
years - but don’t just take our word
for it – Addagrip Terraco’s Resin
Bound Addaset, Addabound and
Terrabound have all been tested and
approved by the BBA (British Board
of Agrement) who note that these
Addagrip systems have a lifespan in
excess of asphalt. Addagrip Terraco
was the first manufacturer to obtain
BBA certification for its resin bound
systems, leading the way with
independent assessment and approval
from the UK’s leading construction
certification body.
Our three BBA certified systems offer
high quality UV and non UV resin
bound surfacing choices - Addaset
provides an extensive range of
colours, Addabound offers recycled
aggregate content and Terrabound is
our darker commercial grade resin
matched with darker aggregates.
To add a little sparkle to your
project, Addagrip Terraco also offers
with innovative Resin Bound surfacing
Addagrip STARPATH – an innovative
light-emitting resin bound surfacing
incorporating the latest photo
luminescent technology to provide
ambient lighting and wayfinding
walkways after dark.
Contact us for more information.
Addagrip Terraco Ltd
Tel: 01825 761333
Email: [email protected]