Storage and more – made your way
If you’re planning to spruce up your living space with some new, home-made
storage solutions this summer, Bosch also has a wide range of high-quality tools
to help you make it happen.
Enjoying a cult status among DIY times, IXO offers you a flexible and
enthusiasts, the iconic cordless convenient companion for projects
IXO screwdriver is designed with both big and small.
ergonomics in mind. With optimised RRP: £44.99 (tool, charger, 10
grip positions, lithium-ion battery standard screwdriver bits).
technology and shorter charging
For powerful screwdriving and used in over 25 different Bosch DIY
drilling, the AdvancedDrill 18 is the and garden tools – giving you ample
perfect cordless drill driver to use with power and efficiency to tackle the job
tougher materials. Designed from the at hand.
ground-up for seamless use and easy RRP: £74.99 (tool, chuck adapter,
application, its 2.5 Ah lithium-ion screwdriver bit); £174.99 (tool, chuck
battery is part of the 18 V Power for adapter, screwdriver bit, battery,
ALL cordless system – which means charger).
the same 18-volt battery can also be
Build your favourite DIY projects measuring wheel and line-levelling
with precision using the latest Zamo adapter make the Zamo the perfect
laser measuring tool. With a simple companion for helping you complete
click of the tool’s centre button, the your projects to the highest standards.
Zamo can measure distances up to RRP: £55.13 (tool, two AAA
20 metres with pinpoint accuracy. batteries); RRP: £89.99 (tool, two
The tool can also be used to measure AAA batteries, tape adapter, wheel
the size of spaces in metres squared, adapter, line adapter). Tape adapter
too. What’s more, the latest Zamo is (RRP: £13.99), wheel adapter (RRP:
compatible with a number of different £13.99) and line adapter (RRP:
attachments; the tape measure, £13.99) can also be bought separately.
DIY enthusiasts can enjoy equal levels cutting line easily and safely with a
of performance, practicality and perfect view of the material you are
comfort with the PST 18 LI cordless cutting. Meanwhile, Bosch Electronic
jigsaw. Powerful enough to cut through technology helps you to use the trigger
depths of up to 80mm in wood and to control how fast the blade cuts,
5mm in steel, it features a range of so it’s easy to adapt your cutting to
innovative technologies that enable different materials.
you to seamlessly control your cut no RRP: £79.99 (tool, saw blade). Battery
matter what material is being used. (RRP £50.99) and charger (£31.99
Bosch CutControl and the integrated RRP) bought separately.
PowerLight allow you to track your