He continued: “We always send at least As it has done with Romsey Tree “They handle all of the liaison and
two but often three men out in the Surgeons’ other FUSO trucks, Solent movements with the bodybuilder,
trucks. The Canter’s cab has three full- Bodybuilders and Repairs also while we also utilise FUSO Service
sized seats, so they travel in comfort fabricated and installed a toolbox with Contracts – we drop the vehicles off at
and safety. locking shutter doors on both sides the end of the day and the work’s done
immediately behind the new vehicle’s overnight so we’re ready to roll again
cab, while a mesh-sided tray beneath next morning.”
“The vehicle’s handling when carrying
a full load is also totally reassuring.
It sits really well on the road and has
a great turning circle, because you
sit right over the front wheels. That’s
the body on the nearside is used to
carry signage and other equipment.
The truck is also fitted with a hitch,
He added: “I like my trucks to look
smart because they double as mobile
and used to tow a wood chipper. advertisements for the business.
we’re on and off residential driveways, In addition to its two Canters, Romsey the years, from people who’ve seen us
and other sites at which access is Tree Surgeons runs a Mercedes-Benz out and about, and followed up with a
restricted.” Citan van which was also supplied by phone call.”
another important attribute when
We’ve picked up quite a few jobs over
Marshall Truck & Van, last year. “I
can’t fault the Dealer,” reported Mr
Issue 38 2019 Landscape & Urban Design