The Pets at Glee Hub
The brand-new Pets at Glee Hub is the
purrfect place to source pet products
at Glee 2019. Featuring an interactive
workshop space, a pet trend area and
- ideal for retailers looking to source
new products. Plus, for 2019 there will
be 9 exclusive new themes to inspire
retailers and spark out of the box
a dedicated networking space, there’s Taking place at the perfect time of
plenty to inspire, educate and wow year to re-stock shelves just before
this September. Christmas, Glee is the most crucial
The Retail Lab at Glee
garden trade event in the gardening
industry calendar.
Now in its third year, The Retail Lab at
Glee in association with the HTA is an
exciting and innovative feature area
showcasing future product, in-store
experience and merchandising trends
What’s new for Glee 2019?
Glee Connect
Introducing Glee connect. The brand-
new dedicated matchmaking service,
designed to not only provide you with
the opportunity to make meaningful
connections, but to also ensure you
make the most of your time at Glee.
Issue 38 2019 Landscape & Urban Design