For Landscapers and Designers being any location. In the past, Plug & Play conditions. Often, cold weather and
asked to provide garden lighting, there systems were limited, mainly consisting heat produced by bulbs can cause
is a fantastic starting point and a great of smaller, lower quality decking lights. condensation to occur in outdoor
way to expand their services. This is by Now, the extensive variety of Plug & lights. With 240v mains fittings, this
offering Low voltage (12v) ‘Plug & Play’ Play fittings such as those offered by commonly results in the circuit tripping
lighting systems, by far the easiest to Lumena Lights include in-ground and or shorting, however 12v fittings
understand and install. step lights, spikelights, path lights, wall withstand the effects of condensation
washers, rock lights and more. and will continue to work perfectly.
The ‘Plug & Play’ concept is as easy as
The lights use 12v power rather
than mains 240v electricity, which Durable and desirable materials the installation! Lights use a two-pin
immediately eliminates the need such as Marine Grade 316 Stainless plug located at the end of attached
by law, for a separate electrician Steel, Natural Copper, Solid Brass cable lengths. This two-pin plug simply
to manage all lighting on a project. and Anodised Aluminium are used. pushes into a Connector or Splitter, or
Obviously, electricians are likely to be These materials stand the test of indeed directly into the power source
involved with certain installations, but time, but also look fantastic during - a Transformer. Once plugged in,
a Landscaper who can offer a client a daylight hours, often adding to their the cable connector is secured by a
choice of professional outdoor lights, location. For example, solid brass threaded cap.
ultimately extends their own creativity lights look beautiful outside rustic, and professionalism. Add visual impact traditional buildings.
This means no need for fiddly wiring at
all - if an installer wishes to ‘hardwire’
to feature walls, water features, decked
areas, one-off sculptures and large 12v or ‘Low Voltage’ garden lighting is in the traditional way the two-pin plug
trees by knowing how to illuminate extremely adaptable. It is powered by a can be cut off and the wires stripped.
them easily. plug-in transformer that converts 240v Lumena’s Versa range includes various
mains voltage down to a much safer sizes of transformer, cable lengths, and
In 2019 12v lights are built to last 12v. It can be installed by anybody and multi-splitters, enabling the circuit to
and ready for professional use in is very resistant to outdoor weather be as long as required, and allowing
numerous lights to be fitted.
We encourage you to have a go with this
simplified lighting system and do it the
easy way – Plug & Play !
See the ‘Versa’ Plug & Play range
now at:
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 36 2019