Lavender - Lavender produces a are all great choices for edging and so that you can play music while you’re
fragrant summer scent and is perfect garden borders, while Rhododendrons outside.
to use for edging and borders, it also and Camellia provide pops of colour at has the benefit of attracting bees and different times of the year.
butterflies to the garden.
Geranium - These hardy and low-
maintenance perennials provide pops
of colour throughout the summer and
are available in a range of colours
Choose Hardscaping Materials
If you’re looking for low maintenance
gardening options, hardscaping
materials such as stones, rocks, patios
including white, pink, purple and blue. and gravel are ideal. These materials
Helenium - With colours ranging sizes and don’t need constant looking
from red to orange and bright yellow, after as lawns do.
Helemiums work well in borders and
typically flower from midsummer to
early autumn providing visual appeal
come in many shapes, colours and
Creating a staycation spot
to the garden. With holiday prices continuing to rise,
Remove high maintenance bushes comfort of their home instead, so why
many people choose to stay in the
• Build a fire pit to draw people outside
and relax into the night in comfort.
• Invest in comfortable garden
• Install garden lighting so that you
can use the space when it gets dark.
Have a dedicated area for cooking and
entertaining such as a raised patio
area or pergola.
If you have a larger garden, one trend
that’s sure to be big in 2019 is creating
secluded areas to relax and unwind in
away from the main garden. Whether
you plan to read, meditate or just
and shrubs not turn your garden into the ultimate Consider removing any messy bushes area to entertain, relax and unwind in and shrubs from the garden, especially is easy with these inspirational tips: and a calm, neutral colour palette will
• Install a weatherproof sound system garden.
those who shed their leaves regularly.
Box Hedge, Leylandii and Conifers
staycation space. Creating a tranquil
relax in the space, adding things like
a simple water feature, lush plants
provide a retreat from the rest of the
Issue 35 2019 Landscape & Urban Design