Landscape & Urban Design Issue 34 2018 | Page 39

Key Design Solutions The client’s hay fever was triggered by both grass and tree pollen and the site was surrounded by protected Oak trees and a large Ash tree in the garden. We couldn’t touch the Oak trees, but the large Ash was removed which introduced more light and opened up the garden. With a large garden and small budget, lawn is usually a cost-effective surface choice and the green of turf sets off the hard landscaping and planting. In this case, a lawn was not an option, so artificial turf was used, being both low allergen and low maintenance. The dining terrace was positioned in that plants with a strong fragrance planting to blur the edges. Oak raised the centre of the garden to provide good such as roses and lavender can affect beds silver with age, blending with the circulation and to enjoy the sunshine some people so should be included with cream of the South Cerney gravel and and was framed on either side by caution. the sandstone paving. Gravel paths lead through archways to a Framed by an evergreen hedge, a utility area in one corner and a mindful sandstone bird bowl set on a bespoke space with swing seat in the opposite oak plinth creates a strong focal point at corner. The whole feel of the design the bottom of the garden and provides a is light and airy, with clean lines and water source for birds and insects. raised planters containing lavender and Rosa ‘Margaret Merrill’ to attract the pollinators. Roses are a good low allergen selection as their petals enclose the pollen, although it’s worth noting Plant Selection Whilst grasses couldn’t be used in the planting scheme, Other factors to consider when selecting plants, as advised Verbena bonariensis and Gaura lindheimeri ‘Whirling by Allergy UK, are to avoid male dioescious species, ferns or butterflies’ are a good substitute, creating movement and other species that produce spores and in particular consider adding an ephemeral quality to the planting. alternatives to the ever-popular birch with its striking white When selecting trees for the garden, wind pollinators were bark, which produces the most potent pollen. avoided, instead trees that produce blossom and attract There is a useful guide called the Ogren Plant Allergy Scale insects were selected. (OPALS) which is the first plant-allergy ranking system used Malus x zumi ‘Golden Hornet’, espalier pear trees, Cercis canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ and a line of Prunus ‘Amanagowa’ provide spring and autumn colour. by the USA department of agriculture. OPALS rates plants 1-10 with 1 lowest in allergy and ‘10’ highest. Bramley Apple Garden Design Issue 34 2018 Landscape & Urban Design 39