Carpinus betulus `Rockhampton Red' Genesis Plant Marketing took the Really marketable novel trees have
LOCHGLOW was a discovery that product on and after a number of been hard to find for many years and
started as one seedling in a batch years working to get production up the industry now seems much more
of several thousand at the forestry and running there are now suppliers alert to adding novelty into their
nursery of Geoff and Pattie Locke in in the UK and Europe and material portfolios and we are looking forward
Rockhampton, Gloucestershire. working its way through to Canada to playing our part in that process.
It stood out because of its intense and
and the USA.
rich autumn colouring that developed Geoff and Pattie Locke have developed
when autumn temperatures started to a web page with lots more images and
fall giving the striking effect of autumn history of the variety on the website
orange to red vermillion leaf colour.
Being careful growers they wanted to
test the variety properly they grew
the seedling to many metres in height
alongside their other transplants and
year on year it maintained these vivid
[email protected]
variety then Genesis provide a
varieties whether that be a tree, shrub
Dunn of FP Matthews suggested that
they might have something really
novel worth marketing that would
create some excitement in the tree
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 34 2018
If you think you have found a new After almost 15 years of patient
A subsequent discussion with Nick
Pleasant Farm & Forestry glmpff@
Stephanie Dunn-James at FP
complete service to plant breeders
marketable product.
Geoff and Pattie Locke at Mount characteristics.
observation it was clear they had a
Suppliers in the UK.
including the appraisal of new
Matthews Ltd
Simon Williamson at Ready Hedge Ltd.
[email protected]
perennial or annual. Henk Hubers Batouwe
Trial agreements and plant breeder’s For enquiries or supply please contact
rights patent applications and
marketing agreements and much
[email protected]
See www.genesis-plantmarketing. for much more information on
services and varieties.
+44 (0) 1621 874808