A colourful and exclusive range of The charcoal-black result reveals Dave continued: “Having seen the
timber cladding and decking products, clean, distinct lines and textures product in situ in both homes and
branded IRO, has been introduced to unlike those seen in traditional gardens, I’m confident that IRO will
the market by BSW Timber. cladding and decking. be extremely well received. It will
The IRO architectural timber range Dave Chapman, sales director at BSW boasts a suite of 15 thrilling colours Timber, said: “We’re thrilled to be which were specifically created to introducing this unique new product blend seamlessly with current trends. range. IRO was only launched to A unique, high-end product, it is
From driftwood white and chestnut the public earlier this month and it also extremely durable. While real
brown, to dragon fruit red and lagoon has already received some fantastic wood cladding alternatives will fade
blue, there’s something to suit every feedback. over time, IRO is coated with Rubio
“We’ve worked hard to identify a
soon become a must-have alternative
to traditional timber cladding and
Monocoat cream to ensure a long-
lasting, UV stable finish.
Crafted using the traditional Japanese suite of colours which will appeal method of Shou Sugi Ban, the seven- to everyone and we will update the All products in the IRO range are self-
step process produces an array of collection on a regular basis to ensure cleaning, water-repellent, HVOC free
exquisite products which add charm that we stay up-to-date with changing and 100% eco-friendly – making them
and character to indoor and outdoor trends.” completely safe for families and pets.
Current colours available in full are IRO architectural timber is the latest
First developed in the 18th century, charcoal, chestnut, claret, dolphin, innovation from BSW; the largest
Shou Sugi Ban involves using heat to dragon fruit, driftwood, forest, lagoon, integrated forestry business in the UK.
enhance the surface of timber. mountain, natural, piglet, poppy,
sunflower, sunset and woodland.
To find out more, visit
www.irotimber.co.uk or contact us at
[email protected]
Landscape & Urban Design Issue 34 2018